Bookstore By Chance - Day 1 Part 3

Game:  Bookstore By Chance

Day 1 : Energy 3

Customer Check (d20 result  2: New Customer)

Name: Slugs

Description:  Student, Goblin, Athlete

Book Interest:  2

Social Resistance: 10

Books Sold: 0

How in Gabriel's third pierced ear was it not lunch time yet?

She had faced the Poetry section of the first floor and replaced some of the books some patrons had left scattered upon the floor.  Animals, the lot of them.  This job would be far better without customers.  And with longer breaks.  And while she was wishing on a star, better pay.  

Day 1: Conversation Interaction 

    Basic Conversation -

    Number to beat: 12 (2 Conversation Interaction + 10 Social Resistance + 0 books sold) 

    Rolled: 8 - Failed

    Updated Energy: 0 (-3 energy on fail)

The door chimed again, a recognizable goblin face popped through the entryway.  The floor called him Slugs, though Weh wasn't sure if that was a baseball reference, slugs that he kept as pets or some other odd reason - when she had asked he had just laughed it off and said it made for a good mystery.  Slugs had sharp, angular features, light green skin and unusually golden eyes that often caught Weh off-guard when talking to him.  Often another personality that was larger then life, this mornings Slug was a fidgety, fretful mess.

Hey Slugs! 

Oh.  Hey.

Day 1: Book Genre check 12- How to...

A thoughtful frown appeared on Weh's face as Slugs disappeared behind the How To section.  She followed cautiously, peeking her head around the aisle.

You hear about Curse Creation this morning?

The words seemed to catch Slugs off guard.  He nearly fell over from his crouched position hanging with the bottom row books.

Ah, yeah.  I did.  Hey, how much is this?

She squinted at the small, poorly bounded book he held up.

'How to speak to Spirits' by Traumant.  It's usually twelve I think? More with tax but Traumant is a bit of a unorthodox  Gob.  His findings aren't exactly ...trustworthy, the book was self published and I think its only here because of how bonkers rich he is.

Slugs hesitated, the gears turning in his head.  

Day 1: Book Interest 14 (14 + 2) - 1 book. 

I'd still like it, could be helpful.

Weh ran her fingers through her short hair, shook her head and then wandered back to checkout.  She double bagged the book, partly because of its ridiculous topic was ripe for ridicule but partially because the economical brand bags were prone to tearing, ripping, falling apart at a slight breeze - you name it.  

Weh began to speak, but the words caught in her throat.  If Slugs wanted to keep it close to his chest for now, that's his prerogative.  Something rotten was afoot in Kaukose, however, and she didn't feel comfortable sitting idly at work after all the commotion.  Offenbrook would understand.  It'd cost her later in another unpaid lecture about proper work protocol, but that was only fair given the circumstance.

  Energy: 0 - End of Day 1

 She flipped the sign to closed, locked the front door and bolted down the street. 

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