Bookstore By Chance - Day 2

 Game:  Bookstore By Chance

Day 1 : Energy 19 (d20 result - 19)  BONUS - one failed reroll interaction

Day 1: Open up shop

The call to Offenbrook had been a lot of fret for nothing - the catastrophe at the school had leaked to channel 8, the Loop, well before she could begin even pleading her case.  Since it was already a media frenzy, Offenbrook had told her she had made the right call.  In fact,  she would be compensated for the second half of the day as well.

Lunch with Aeiko had been equally relieving, finding the only danger she was in was her having consumed nearly half the chapters of Ugly Hayride already.  Barbs had been traded, Weh leaving the victor as time and time again would show - you have no ammunition when you're reading Isanborn.  

The day concluded with her slapping down the rest of that Dance History paper - being inspired by her near wipeout on the Kaukose staircase she took to writeup a series of famous dance accidents. The pages were typed, printed, stapled and bagged for tomorrows class before she fully realized what she had accomplished.  

Exhausted, she slumped into bed.  She had intended to snap up some low grade noodles or find out if there was any updates on the loop but she dropped off soon afterwards.  Awakening nine hours later was a bit of a shock.

Well, fine then, no matter.  Well rested was better then bad noodles, you could quote her on that.  Having spent an inordinate amount of time looking for her booky buddy sash only to find it still slung around her body she quickly dashed over to Kaukose books.  Five minutes early?   Skuz'Vah.

The only odd start to the day was wondering ....had she shrunk?  The doorknob looked ever. so. slightly. higher up, enough that her usual key into lock strategy left her hitting dead wood.  Could buildings rise up like that, shifting plates or odd basement expansion?  She rubbed the top of her ears and grumbled. Too many mysteries of late, the stupider ones would have to take the backburner.


Day 1 : Customer Check (d20 result  17)

Name:  Thavo

Description:  (d20 - 8 , Artist) -  

Book Interest: 4

Social Resistance: 12

Books Sold: 0

Weh was able to savor a few minutes of that early morning book smell and solitude before a that all too familiar bell chimed. 

Day 1: Conversation Interaction 

    Basic Conversation -

    Number to beat: 13 (1 Conversation Interaction + 12 Social Resistance + 0 books sold) 

    Rolled:  12 - Failed

    Updated Energy: 17 (-2 energy on fail)

Day 1: Book Interest 17(13 + 4) - 1 book. 

Day 1: Book Genre check - Horror

Coworkers had warned Weh about Thavo.  Thavo was ...unique.  He had an artistic mind.  He had taken a vow of silence.  He had decided to dress in a costume devil outfit one hallows-eve and decided never to take it off again.  Her biggest warning was to never purchase any of his art - as he would never again leave her alone.

Of course selling her art was the first thing he attempted to do, a sketched out muskrat near an orange tree and a full moon.  It held a lot of extra lines to simulate the fur and you really had to squint to make that muskrat truly a muskrat.  A big THAVO signature adorned the bottom.  He beamed as he offered it to her.

"Oh, Thavo, right?  Sorry Thavo - don't have any money today.  Try again during payday"

Crestfallen, Thavo pocketed the drawing and produced "Choking In Nightmares", placing it promptly on the counter.  How had he made it to horror section without her spotting him?  

"I"  Weh shook her head, catching her thoughts "Choking in Nightmares.  Six years back, right?  It's a good one."

Thavo nodded empathetically but seemed disinterested now, not waiting for a bag.

"Have a good one"

Another nod, touching the tips of his horns on the devil outfit, he exited the building.

"Kaukose has that special brand of strange"  Weh muttered to no one in particular.  She flipped open her phone, refreshed the loops page to see if there was any update on the curse kids and....

wait, WHAT?

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