Bookstore By Chance - Day 2
Game: Bookstore By Chance Day 1 : Energy 19 (d20 result - 19) BONUS - one failed reroll interaction Day 1: Open up shop The call to Offenbrook had been a lot of fret for nothing - the catastrophe at the school had leaked to channel 8, the Loop, well before she could begin even pleading her case. Since it was already a media frenzy, Offenbrook had told her she had made the right call. In fact, she would be compensated for the second half of the day as well. Lunch with Aeiko had been equally relieving, finding the only danger she was in was her having consumed nearly half the chapters of Ugly Hayride already. Barbs had been traded, Weh leaving the victor as time and time again would show - you have no ammunition when you're reading Isanborn. The day concluded with her slapping down the rest of that Dance History paper - being inspired by her near wipeout on the Kaukose staircase she to...