Bookstore By Chance - Day 1 Part 2

Bookstore By Chance

The rest of the morning was eaten up by an inaccuracy of the E-ISBN Id and Kaukose's own unique identifier Ids being mismatched, an error which had delivered a double shipment of 'How to be your true sELF' to their doorstep, a self published self-help featuring a bespectacled, aging elf dressed in a business suit howling at the moon. Upon opening the boxes, setting up the new frontlist, realizing the mistake and repackaging the books for return  Weh was stuck with that imagery in her head even when she closed her eyes.

Day 1 : Energy 5

Customer Check (d20 result  15 : New Customer)

Name:  [Unknown]

Description:  Middle Aged, Elf, Naturalist (professor?), 

Book Interest:  5

Social Resistance: 20 (ouch)

Books Sold: 0 

The door chimed again while she was on the second floor.

"Welcome to Kaukose Books!  Be right with you!" A quick glance to her phone  then to the large clock hanging over the entryway to verify its accuracy.  Had she missed lunch?

Day 1: Conversation Interaction 

    Basic Conversation -

    Number to beat: 21 (1 Conversation Interaction + 20 Social Resistance + 0 books sold) 

    Rolled: N/A - Success not possible

    Updated Energy: 3 (-2 energy on fail)

She half ran, half slid down the bannister.  This place always seemed to be a lot bigger on the inside then on the out.  She wondered how much Offenbrook shelled out each month in coin.  Her mind was elsewhere when she hit the main landing, nearly losing her footing as she vaulted towards checkout.

Day 1: Book Interest 14 (9 + 5) - 1 book.  Genre Roll: Speculative Fiction

An elderly, female elf had wasted no time in picking out a book and was already impatiently waiting to be checked out.  When Weh arrived she dropped a mammoth tomb onto the countertop, one from the archives that was had neglected.  'The Hidden Marks of the North Woods'

"Looks like a heavy read, you excited to tackle it?"

The elf frowned, leaned in closely so that Weh could smell the ale on her breath.  As she moved, a skull pendant around her neck slowly dangled forward, leaking an odd green mist which smelled faintly of old apples and wood shavings.


"Its. a. gift."

"Ah,  peachy."

Transaction complete.   

A few minutes closer to lunch, at least.

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